Tensor (Network) methods were developed independently in several different fields. As such there is a large variety of different names for the same concepts and at times even several concepts for the same name, depending on the context. To avoid confusion we want to explain most terms as they are used throughout this library.
It is not strictly speaking necessary to read this chapter to successfully use the library, but it might very well help you find the functions you were looking for if you are used to slightly different notation. In particular this chapter is not meant to be a complete introduction into the topic but is rather adressed at those that are already familiar with tensor arithmetic and tensor networks.
For us, a tensor is always a multidimensional array of real numbers. With the regular tensor product $ \otimes $ this means that for any tensor $ T $:
Here the number $ d $ of subspaces that were joined with the tensor product is called the degree (or sometimes order) of $ T $. Just as $ n_i $ was the dimension of the respective subspace $ \mathbb{R}^{n_i} $, it is also the dimension of the $i$-th mode of $T$. The full dimensions of $T$ (note the plural), or equivalently the dimensions of the tensor space to which $T$ belongs, are given by the ordered $d$-tuple $(n_1, n_2, \dots, n_d)$.
With discrete sets $[n] = {1,2,\dots,n}$ we can alternatively define a tensor entrywise as:
We call the notation $T[i_1, i_2, \dots, i_d]$ an indexed tensor with $d$ indices $i_1,\dots,i_d$. The index $i_1$ indexes the first mode of $T$, $i_2$ respectively indexes the second mode and so on. The dimension of the $j$-th index $i_j$ is equal to $n_j$.
Instead of indexing a tensor with individual indices, one or more multiindices can be used. Every multiindex can be represented by an ordered tuple. E.g. we could write the last definition of tensors as
Here the span (i.e. the degree of the indexspace, here $[n_1]\otimes [n_2] \otimes \cdots \otimes [n_d]$) of the index $\mathbb{i}$ is equal to the degree of $T$. The tensor is thus fully indexed by $\mathbb{i}$. It could alternatively be indexed by two multiindices of span $d/2$ or one with span $2$ and another one with span $d-2$ or …
An individual value stored in a tensor, e.g.
is called an entry of the tensor. In the example the entry has the position $(3, 5, 7)$. If a tensor is equal to $0$ in most positions, it can be stored efficiently in a sparse representation.
Fixing a mode to a single value we would receive a row (e.g. $b[i] = A[2,i]$) or a column (e.g. $b[i] = A[i,5]$) in the matrix case. In the general tensor case (e.g. $S[i,j,k] = T[i,3,j,k]$) we call the resulting tensor of degree $d-1$ a slate of $T$.
For every permutation $p:[d]\rightarrow[d]$ there is a reshuffling (or reordering) $R$ such that
e.g. for matrices the transposition is a reordering or for tensors of degree $3$ the following is one of five possible (nontrivial) reorderings
The contraction of a mode of a tensor with a mode of another tenser is equal to the sum over all tensor products of the slates of those modes. E.g. any matrix-matrix product or defining a tensor $S$ entrywise as
In the Einstein notation it is customary to perform such sums over all indices that appear exactly twice in a product implicitely, i.e.
Tensor Networks
A tensor network is a set of tensors together with a set of contractions between them. It is called a network because it can be represented by a graph where every node represents a tensor and the links between them indicate contractions. Any mode of any tensor in the network that is not part of any contractions is an external mode (or external link) of the network.
A very common set of tensor networks are the Tensor Train Tensors (or short TT-Tensors, also known as Matrix Product States / MPS). They consist of a linear row of tensors with one external mode each and internal links only between neighbors. In a slight modification with two external modes per tensor they are called Tensor Train Operators (or short TT-Operator, also known as Matrix Product Operator / MPO) as they are often used in conjunction with TT-Tensors in an operator functionality.
As there is an obvious ordering for the nodes of a TT-Tensor, we also say that the tensor with the first external mode is the first component, and so on. It its cannonical form, all but one component are orthogonalized. The remaining non-orthogonalized component is called the core of the TT-Tensor. If the core position is $0$, i.e. the $0$-th component is the core, the TT-Tensor is in its left-cannonical form, respectively right-cannonical with core-position $d-1$.
The ordered tuple of dimensions of the shared modes between first and second, second and third… nodes is called the rank of the TT-Tensor. Via truncated SVD decompositions these can be reduced. As this looses some precision in the representation of the original tensor such a process is called rounding.