32 class TensorFactorisation;
35 template<
class tensor_type>
class IndexedTensor;
43 std::vector<IndexedTensor<Tensor>*>
IndexedTensorList operator,(IndexedTensor< Tensor > &&_first, IndexedTensor< Tensor > &&_second)
Using the "," operator tuples of writeable indexed tensor can be created.
The main namespace of xerus.
std::vector< IndexedTensor< Tensor > * > tensors
Collection of pointers to the Tensor objects referenced by the tuple.
No default construction is intended.
Internal representation of an readable and writeable indexed Tensor or TensorNetwork.
Internal representation of a tuple of indexed Tensor s.
Abstract super class for all tensor factorisations.
void operator=(TensorFactorisation &&_factorisation) const
Generic assignment operator that takes any TensorFactorisation object which is in then invoked to per...