a general purpose tensor library
▼Nxerus | The main namespace of xerus |
▼Ninternal | Namespace for function and classes designated only for internal use |
▼CCholmodCommon | Wrapper object for the cholmod_common struct to automatically call the constructor and destructor |
CRestrictedAccess | |
CCholmodSparse | Wrapper class for the cholmod sparse matrix objects |
CIndexedTensor | Internal representation of an readable and writeable indexed Tensor or TensorNetwork |
CIndexedTensorList | Internal representation of a tuple of indexed Tensor s |
CIndexedTensorMoveable | Internal representation of an read and write and moveable indexed Tensor or TensorNetwork |
CIndexedTensorReadOnly | Internal representation of an readable indexed Tensor or TensorNetwork |
CIndexedTensorWritable | Abstract internal representation of an read and writeable indexed Tensor or TensorNetwork |
CTTStack | Internal class used to represent stacks of (possibly multiply) applications of TTOperators to either a TTTensor or TTOperator |
▼Nmisc | Collection of classes and functions that provide elementary functionality that is not special to xerus as a tensor library |
▼Ninternal | Namespace for function and classes designated only for internal use |
▼CbfdResolver | Class to load symbols and resolve address pointers |
CstoredBfd | Relevant information belonging to a single bfd |
CLogFlag | |
Cgeneric_error | The xerus exception class |
CLimitExtractor | Classes that can extract an estimate of the limit of a sequence |
CLogHistogram | A logarithmic histogram, i.e. the size of all buckets is given by a constant factor [x - x*base) |
CRichardsonExtrapolation | Limit extraction using the richardson extrapolation |
CShanksTransformation | Limit extraction using the shanks transformation aka Aitken process |
▼CADFVariant | Wrapper class for all ADF variants |
CInternalSolver | |
▼CALSVariant | Wrapper class for all ALS variants (dmrg etc.) |
▼CALSAlgorithmicData | |
CContractedTNCache | |
CCQ | Helper class to allow an intuitive syntax for an rank revealing orthogonal factorisation |
CGeometricCGVariant | Wrapper class for all geometric (ie. Riemannian) CG variants |
CHOSVDRetraction | Retraction that performs a HOSVD to project back onto the Manifold |
CIndex | Class used to represent indices that can be used to write tensor calculations in index notation |
CInternalSolver | |
CMeasurmentComparator | |
▼CPerformanceData | Storage class for the performance data collected during an algorithm (typically iteration count, time and residual) |
CDataPoint | |
CQC | Helper class to allow an intuitive syntax for an rank revealing orthogonal factorisation |
CQR | Helper class to allow an intuitive syntax for QR factorisations |
CRankOneMeasurementSet | |
CRQ | Helper class to allow an intuitive syntax for RQ factorisations |
CSinglePointMeasurementSet | Class used to represent a single point measurments |
CSteepestDescentVariant | Wrapper class for all steepest descent variants |
CSVD | Helper class to allow an intuitive syntax for SVD factorisations |
CTensor | Class that handles simple (non-decomposed) tensors in a dense or sparse representation |
CTensorFactorisation | Abstract super class for all tensor factorisations |
▼CTensorNetwork | Very general class used to represent arbitary tensor networks |
CLink | Class representing a link from a TensorNode to another node or an external index |
CTensorNode | Used by the class TensorNetwork to store the componentent tensors defining the network |
CTTNetwork | Specialized TensorNetwork class used to represent TTTensor and TToperators |
CTTTangentVector | Class to compactly represent tangent vectors of the manifold of constant TT-rank |
CUQMeasurementSet |